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Par Avion EP

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Par Avion EP
Label: S1 Warsaw
Nr kat.: S1WWA003
Format: 12"
Kraj: PL
W magazynie
Wysyłka w 2 dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
49,90 zł
37.43 / 1szt.
Oszczędzasz 25% (12,47 zł).
In stock
  • a1 Ste Spandex - Undress Me (feat Sarah Bates).mp3
  • a2 Freekwency - Questions.mp3
  • b1 Matat Professionals - Brothers In Law.mp3


Here comes a special delivery. 'Par Avion' is a piece of vintage-gear based dancefloor vibes collected via airmail.
One piece coming from UK, another from down-under Australia and one eastern calling - a track from S1's country of origin aka Poland.
Warning! - the package contains dangerous items: air-cutting synths, dirty samples, heavy stomps.

First one delivered by Manchester's VHS charmer Ste Spandex, followed by tracks from Benny Badge, also known as the Melbourne's boogietronic high-flyer FREEKWENCY and young house flames Matat Professionals - Marfa & Selvy from Poznan.


Having previously impressed with excellent house excursions from Eltron John and Chino - plus a compilation of vintage Polish productions - S1 Warsaw have decided to mix things up a little on this third 12" release. The real killer attraction - for those seeking dancefloor dynamite, at least - is Ste Spandex's "Undress Me", a frankly breathless trip into heady late night techno full of whispered vocal samples, fuzzy percussion, wild guitar samples and an intense, bongo-laden groove. It's matched by Freekwency's "Questions", a sweet and sparse drum machine boogie jam bristling with delay-laden hits and sparkling synths. Throw in a deep, filtered, heavily compressed chunky house excursion from Polish newcomers Matat Professionals, and you have an excellent EP.


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Jeżeli powyższy opis jest dla Ciebie niewystarczający, prześlij nam swoje pytanie odnośnie tego produktu. Postaramy się odpowiedzieć tak szybko jak tylko będzie to możliwe.

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To pole jest wymagane do złożenia zamówienia.
pola oznaczone - To pole jest wymagane do złożenia zamówienia. - są wymagane