Surely one of the most famous song that Franck produced in his entire career.. the combination between him and Mandel Turner (naturally born in USA) was explosive the day they created this songin avery naive and uncalculated way .It all started from a beat on a MPC with a minimal hook and a bassline.. Franck called his long time friend Mandel Turner to join him in his studio and explained him that the idea was not to do a classic garage song but to make it in a modern way. The result was to work on a strong chorus without verses etc .that we can found on every classic songs. We gived a demo track to Appolonia guys wich were in Ibiza starting their new residency at DC10 and it has been played the whole summer and all clubbers in Ibiza knew this song and became a underground hit when it came out.. Franck asked to his close friends (Seuil etc..) and producers to give another interpretation of this song because he knew that his friends loved already this song.. so they gave to this song a new life few month later after the success of the original release.