Informacje o produkcie

Beautiful Vinyl Hunter (gatefold)

Beautiful Vinyl Hunter (gatefold)
Label: Sony BMG
Nr kat.: 19075891581
Format: 2LP
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
129.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • 01 Star Child (feat Judi Jackson).mp3
  • 02 Realisations.mp3
  • 03 Between The Lines (feat Keyon Harrold & Sparkz).mp3
  • 04 Introspection (feat Theo Croker).mp3
  • 05 Colors.mp3
  • 06 Cranes (In The Sky).mp3
  • 07 I Still Believe (feat Milton Suggs).mp3
  • 08 Elipsis (interlude).mp3
  • 09 Sunrise.mp3
  • 10 Dark Honey (4TheStorm) (feat Makaya McCraven).mp3
  • 11 Pressure (instrumental).mp3
  • 12 Ahmed.mp3
  • 13 Lullaby (Rise & Shine) (feat Judi Jackson).mp3
  • 14 Battle (feat Binker & Moses).mp3
  • 15 The Mighty (feat Ben Marc).mp3


South London pianist and composer Ashley Henry is a versatile musician who can move between all niches within his musical realm: hip hop, broken beat, jazz and fusion flows from his finger tips and all characterise his expansive and expressive new album "Beautiful Vinyl Hunter". Stellar collaborators Makaya McCraven, Judi Jackson and MC Sparkz amongst others all help enrich this album as it flows from post-bop to classic jazz to neo-soul in thrilling fashion. Rooted in tradition but with a distinctly London edge that soars to new heights, this record sets a new benchmark for the contemporary scene.



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