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Mara - 2020 Repress (180g)

  • Uduchowione granie grupy młokosów z południa Niemiec. Dynamiczne brzmienie, 2 perkusje – podejście taneczne, ale i liryczne, LP również dla osób niejazzowych. Feeling podobny do BadBadNotGood

Mara - 2020 Repress (180g)
Label: Fazer
Nr kat.: SQM-FAZ001
Format: LP+MP3
Styl: Jazz
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
89.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • A1 Woody.mp3
  • A2 Asante.mp3
  • A3 Akom.mp3
  • A4 Elephant Rave.mp3
  • A5 Babel.mp3
  • B1 Mara.mp3
  • B2 Glow, Glow.mp3
  • B3 White Sedan.mp3
  • B4 Fon.mp3

Uduchowione granie grupy młokosów z południa Niemiec. Dynamiczne brzmienie, 2 perkusje – podejście taneczne, ale i liryczne, LP również dla osób niejazzowych. Feeling podobny do BadBadNotGood.


MARA is the debutalbum of Munich-based jazz group FAZER. Short Info: MARA is the debutalbum of Munich-based jazz group FAZER. The young musicians combine African and Latin rhythms with dubby basslines and melancholic melodies. The unusual lineup with two drummers (Simon Popp, Sebastian Wolfgruber), bass (Martin Brugger), guitar (Paul Brändle) and trumpet (Matthias Lindermayr) leaves an open space for unfettered improvisation. Through the concept of repetition and finely measured dynamics, Fazer create a drawing energy that can be felt directly at their live shows and has been captured perfecty on this record. Tracklist LP: A1 Woody 07:00 min A2 Asante 07:24 min A3 Akom 04:12 min A4 Elephant Rave 02:52 min A5 Babel 04:36 min B1 Mara 05:08 min B2 Glow, Glow 03:51 min B3 White Sedan 07:00 min B4 Fon 06:24 min Vital Sales Points: - Debutalbum from the 5-piece jazz group from Munich - The band decided to stay independent with a self-release - trumpet player Matthias Lindermayr is an enja artist. - Releaseshow in Munich ( 4th of April, Ampere) - Instore-Tour through Germany in the week following the release. Dates: 20.3. OYE, Berlin 21.3. Groove City, Hamburg 22.3. Groove Attack, Köln 23.3. Public Possession, München


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