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Two Pole Resonance

Two Pole Resonance
Nr kat.: HVNLP01
Format: 2LP+MP3
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
89.00 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • 01 Take A Long Walk.mp3
  • 02 Talking About Talking.mp3
  • 03 Blind End.mp3
  • 04 Shake Off Dust.mp3
  • 05 Row.mp3
  • 06 Blackbird.mp3
  • 07 Untitled Sympathy.mp3
  • 08 Echoes.mp3
  • 09 Two Pole Resonance.mp3


John Talabot's Hivern Discs label starts afresh in 2015 by introducing a heretofore unknown duo known as INIT. Te pair hails from Frankfurt's Rhein-Main region and comprises Nadia D'Alo` and Benedikt Frey, both of whom were featured on the title track of Massimiliano Pagliara's 2014 LP on Live At Robert Johnson. Frey's cosmic, plodding, and house-related analogue experimentations have also appeared on the iconic Japanese label mule musiq, and this penchant for moody kraut-infuenced psychedelia and atmospheric synth explorations is enhanced by his team up with D'Alo` on INIT's debut album "Two Pole Resonance", set for release September 14.

Benedikt Frey is building a steady reputation both as a Producer (with releases on LARJ, Mule Electronic, Nous'klaer Audio and his own LOPASURA imprint) and as a DJ with a long-standing residency at the legendary Robert Johnson and increasing international bookings. Tis is Frey's duo effort alongside Nadia D'Alo`.

This is Hivern Discs' frst Full Length release and it helps consolidates it's uncompromising approach to music and strengthens it's already eclectic catalogue.



Opinie użytkowników
Zapytaj o produkt:

Jeżeli powyższy opis jest dla Ciebie niewystarczający, prześlij nam swoje pytanie odnośnie tego produktu. Postaramy się odpowiedzieć tak szybko jak tylko będzie to możliwe.

To pole jest wymagane do złożenia zamówienia.
To pole jest wymagane do złożenia zamówienia.
pola oznaczone - To pole jest wymagane do złożenia zamówienia. - są wymagane