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  • Kubalanga! Kubańska balanga Londyńczyków z Lokkhi Terra. Bangla-Afro-Latin-Jazz-Roots czyli bengalska muzyka folk, kubańska rumba, nigeryjski afrobeat, 21-wieczny londyński jazz, odrobina regaae w jednym kotle.

Label: Funkiwala
Nr kat.: FWLP007
Format: LP
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
104.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • 01 Kala Re.mp3
  • 02 Como.mp3
  • 04 Lal Mere.mp3
  • 05 Badaam.mp3
  • 06 Cubangla.mp3
  • 07 Kon Kole (Revisited).mp3
  • 08 Bhandari (Revisited).mp3


Since emerging in the mid-to-late noughties, Lokkhi Terra has established a reputation for being one of London's most unique bands. Their trademark sound is genuinely little like anything else around, fusing as it does the sounds of Bangladeshi folk music, Cuban rumba, Nigerian Afrobeat flavours and a dash of 21st century London jazz. Cublangla, their first album for almost three years, continues in this cross-cultural vein, offering up-tempo and laidback tracks that mix elements of all of the above, as well as the odd languid trip into reggae-influenced territory. The plentiful highlights include the jaunty title track, the Bangla-dub skank of 'Bhandari (Revisited)' and the broken beat inspired depth of 'Como'.



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